Tuesday, May 24, 2005

hilarity & horror at the hammer

This Sunday, the reading series at the Hammer Museum presents a schizophrenic line-up, throwing together Sam Lipsyte (Home Land, Venus Drive) and Michel Houellebecq (The Elementary Particles, H.P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life).

Michel Houellebecq has that delightfully squeamy edge already, without focusing it on a discussion of H.P. Lovecraft. I've been looking forward to reading this McSweeney's publication for a little while now, so I'd be going even if Houellebecq was all alone on the bill.

But he's not. I first saw Sam Lipsyte read at Sin-é during a benefit for Yeti, combining readings and live music. Lipsyte had to get up on-stage and follow a band, something I hope never happens to me. It only took him a minute or two to get the room's attention, and it only took another minute or two before his wit had us all laughing so much I was afraid we offended him.

I don't know who put this duo together, but I thank them in advance. If you go early, you can check out the THING.

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