Tuesday, March 29, 2005

3 more days

My trips on-line have grown precarious. I sit in this one low IKEA chair that started to fall apart a few months ago. Now the busted peg will never stay in place and if not for the support of the wall behind it, I'd be on the floor. Yesterday, a hinge on my laptop decided to give up the ghost, so now I can't close it and have to carefully hold the screen or it might unfold completely. So I'm risking a lot in order to keep this blog up to date.

I made fairly grand advances in the packing department yesterday. I'm feeling slightly more relaxed in that arena, but I've started having nightmares about brake failure and joblessness. Last night, I had dinner with some friends at a very cute Italian restaurant near Union Square, Borgo Antico. I don't think I'm going to eat again for awhile once I leave New York; I'm beginning to qualify for the glutton's circle of hell.

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