sunday short stack
"If you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn."
- Robert Southey
- Beware the time-sucking potential of this celebrity face recognition tool at MyHeritage. Who knew I looked like Jessica Alba? (via Bad Advice)
- Is song recognition more your thing? Try Midomi. (via Pop Candy)
- Or maybe visual word association? Try Visuwords. (via Neatorama)
- You've seen the Japanese version of the Hodgman/Long Mac ads - now see the British version.
- So let me confess: We do meet regularly, usually at Cameron’s place, because it has plenty of room now that Justin’s moved out.
- Study a map of the Land of Oz.
- Or if you prefer: a map of Los Angeles bookstores.
- Jonathan Lethem has made a promiscuous list of stories available to anyone for adaptation at the cost of an agreement signature and a dollar.
- Submit your sad and lonely stories to the Rejected Fiction contest. You must provide at least five rejection slips. (via Maud Newton)
- Dear Mr. Amis: Why are you such a snob? (via The Literary Saloon)
- Considered but Discarded Names for the Indie Band Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin
Hello Grace. Just stopping by to say I am at it again. Lori is 8 weeks prgnant with our second child and the blogging has begun.
oops forgot the site is hidden so she doesn't find it
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