52 books in 52 weeks (sort of)
I'm reposting the April 15th post below with brief additional descriptions...
I'm going to bite Largehearted Boy's style and join the ranks of those participating in his annual project to read 52 Books in 52 Weeks. Now, I know you may be saying, "It's Week 15! Where have you been?" Well, I've been on a sabbatical from pleasure reading, but now I'm back and up for the challenge. I did manage to fit in some fiction here and there since 2006 began, so without further ado, I'll begin.1. The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
From what I can gather, if you read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close first, you like that novel better and vice versa. There is some credence to the argument Mr. and Mrs. wrote the same book, both excellent.2. On Beauty by Zadie Smith
Smith has a remarkable ear for dialogue that alone makes this book worth reading.3. The Best American Short Stories 2005
Michael Chabon's taste is more apparent than any previous editor of the series, but this is not necessarily a criticism.4. Veronica: A Novel by Mary Gaitskill
Gaitskill's style is not for me: too much self-conscious darkness.5. Twilight of the Superheroes: Stories by Deborah Eisenberg
The title story is a remarkable entry in the September 11th genre.6. This Minute by Jean Gallagher
A book from a friend, rife with spiritual and intellectual resonance - buy it or try Stubborn.
6 down, 46 to go.