Sunday, July 31, 2005

sorry, forbesie...

...but while I think your Best of the Web (Blogs That Matter) issue has done its homework in the Literary category (including favorites Blog of a Bookslut, Maud Newton, and The Elegant Variation), the Music category is just plain ol' weak.

While I'm no Forbes (believe me - ask my bank account), I'm going to give my own nod to the hard-working folks at the right under Music (including Brooklyn Vegan who was kind enough to call attention to the Escapegrace mix posts last week) and say thanks.

These articles in the Chicago Tribune and The Boston Globe are better references to some of the excellent mp3 blogs out there.


Satisfied '75 said...

greetings from a fellow Angeleno. hey, nice blog you have here. i'll be back.

Umguy said...

I must concur. Your blog is a lot of fun.

escapegrace said...

Thanks! Nice to have LA folks notice...