Tuesday, March 06, 2007

urban cows & strawberry shortcake hoodies

John Dicker just got back from India and has posted over at Newspeak! about the stuff he saw.

  • Street smart dogs: The traffic is so completely nuts in and around Delhi that the many feral dogs walk on sidewalks and appear to look both ways before crossing the street. Sometimes they were just hanging out in the median of a busy road looking at oncoming traffic with an expression like, “I’m not getting my mangy paws near any of that shit. Think I’ll just go to sleep…”
  • Two monkeys: on a bike - one wearing a charming pink pinafore.
  • Lots of toilets, not so much toilet paper.
  • Trucks brightly festooned and painted but lack tail lights.
  • Three people and their goat in an auto rickshaw.
  • Camels pulling the equivalent of a Tough Shed.
  • Feral dogs with bulging teats.
  • Road construction crews consisting of three barefoot men sharing a blowtorch.